It was getting very close to Christmas Day and there was no room at the Inn but of course Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre had a stable ready and waiting as Mary and Joseph arrived bedraggled and exhausted……… what?!
It was the day before Christmas eve and everyone was getting excited and finalising their Christmas shopping and preparations but for Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre it was just another busy day with the usual routine of caring for the 120 horses, ponies and donkeys. Just to make matters worse one of the three workers was on holiday and another one had his day off! Hectic to say the least and then Rod also had to make a trip to the Alicante Horse Hospital too and Sue had already headed off to the Charity shop to work there as usual.
As if they didn’t have enough to do, you guessed it, the Police phoned to say there was a little pony and donkey wandering around and looking desperately in need of help. So as soon as Rod returned from the Hospital off he headed to meet the Policia Local in Almoradí, where they escorted him to the location of the abandoned equines.
Being the time of year it was, we felt it fitting to call the little pony Mary and the white donkey Joseph. 12 year old Mary and 10 year old Joseph really were in quite a state of neglect but particularly Joseph whose feet were in a horrendous state, grossly overgrown and hardly able to walk. Safe at last in a clean dry stable with good food, they awaited the arrival of the vet Dorothea and the farrier Enrique.
Following essential hoof treatment by Enrique and a full check up by Dorothea, the first discovery made was that they both had microchips, with two different owners! The Police were very keen to have all the details as they intend to track down the owners and particularly wanted to make a ‘denuncia’ against the owner of the donkey having seen the state he was in.
Then the second surprise, Mary might be in foal! We kid you not, so we were awaiting an ultrasound to confirm her condition to see if there was going to be a new arrival of a baby mule! When surprise number three arrives! Good news this time, Mary’s owners were found and had in fact been searching for her as they said she had been stolen. We are happy to report that Mary is now safe and sound at home and her owners also kindly gave us a donation for taking care of her.
Although events like this put EHC under even more pressure, it is cases like this that we need to continue to rescue. The Police were very grateful for the intervention of the Centre as without that they would not be able to pursue prosecutions and the owner was grateful that we had saved their little pony. This is such a positive collaboration which EHC now have with many different Police Authorities and it is so encouraging to see such a forward thinking approach to animal welfare by all involved.
Particularly at this time of year when we wish peace and good will to all man (and animal) kind maybe you would like to support our Charity now and throughout 2020. Don’t forget we still have a few of our beautiful full colour 2020 Calendars available to purchase.
Sue, Rod, the 120 equines, 5 pigs, 6 dogs, 16 cats, parrots, budgies, chickens, peacocks and Christmas the goose, oh and the mouse in the house, would like to thank you for your support to date and to wish you all a very happy new year!
– Written by Diane O’Neill, photographs by Elaine Warnock, Cha Jean and Rod Weeding.