Rescued: April 3, 2010
Passed away: February, 2013
We received an emergency call for help on Easter Sunday after a pony was found abandoned to die on wasteground in Benijofar.
Spotted by a group of children, the pony was in a shocking state – half bald and covered in mud and faeces.
Our volunteers rushed to the scene with an officer from Benijofar police. When they arrived they found the pony lying on a pathway.
It looked as though she had simply lain down to die. She could not have survived much longer. If it had not been for the children who found her and the fast action of Benijofar police and council calling us, we would have been dealing with a dead pony.
The EHCRC was initially contacted by Councillor Pat Taylor from Benijofar Council on Easter Saturday 2010, who informed the centre that there was a pony abandoned in terrible condition, and asking if they could help.
She got her name on the way back in the trailer as she insisted standing up the whole way, despite her appalling condition; Sue Weeding, who was with her in the trailer, commented at the time “that’s one tough little Cookie”.
One of the first tasks was to cut large amounts of her coat off, as it was encased in her own faeces where she had obviously laid for months, too ill to stand.
It took Sue and Justin – the UK representative who was working at the centre at the time – two days to clean her up and from there on, she received all the love, care and of course medical treatment that was necessary to ensure that she had a pain free and happy life at the centre.
The pony had obviously suffered long-term neglect before being abandoned. Her hooves had not been cut and so had grown upward, deforming her feet, legs and shoulders. She has severe laminitis and her legs and shoulders are deformed as a result.
But she was quite a young horse and very determined so we were able to her back to a reasonable state of health.
Two months later and Cookie was already a different horse. Her coat grew back, revealing the beautiful little horse we knew she was, though she still could not walk well and continued to need specialist care.
We sent her to a specialist vet in Barcelona for treatment to counter the long-term damage caused by laminitis. She came home in September 2010 after one of Spain’s top horse vets, Gaspar Castelijns, performed surgery on her front legs. Cookie was in pain and barely able to walk before the surgery but got around happily afterwards.