Harry Trotter
Born: May 17, 2011

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that Harry Potter’s lightning-bolt scar made him special. And no, it wasn’t the fact he sometimes liked to hide it, or that it twinged when Voldemort was around, or that it meant he was a survivor. It’s because it was a symbol of love, of protection.

Our Harry has a lightning-bolt mark on his forehead, too – for the very same reason.

Harry was born at 1am on May 17, 2011, and he didn’t stand up straight away. He took his time and had everyone at Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre wondering what had gone wrong and how we could aid him.

Like Harry Potter, our Harry has a lightning-bolt mark on his forehead!

This scared his mother, Delilah. She didn’t know what to do to help her son stand up. And, perhaps, fearing the worse, she recoiled.

Finally, with a little help from our veterinarian, Harry stood up and walked. He immediately looked for his mum, but Delilah didn’t know what to do. They took a few weeks to get in tune and develop something of a bond.

Delilah and Harry Trotter eventually moved in with Sophia and her daughter, Katy-Rose, another foal born just a few weeks before Harry Trotter. Their neighbour, Bronson, had also been recently rescued and, although a fence separated them, he didn’t seem to mind the company of his next-door neighbours.

Delilah had survived about nine years of abandonment and hunger before arriving at our sanctuary. She was tough, fragile and meditative, and she made sure Harry Trotter became a strong little horse (and a stubborn one, too).

So when Harry Trotter surprised us by jumping the fence and landing unharmed and proud in Bronson’s patch, we knew the time had come – Harry Trotter had to remain separated from Delilah to give his mum much-needed peace and quiet.

Bronson then became the Sirius Black to our Harry Trotter – and to this day, they continue to be inseparable. Bronson immediately moved in with Sophia, Katy-Rose and Harry Trotter, making a little family of their own.

Harry Trotter, however, isn’t as fast as he would like: he has never been able to stand up quickly. He’s received medical attention and therapies but it seems nothing can be done – and he doesn’t seem to mind.

His mother, Delilah, passed away in 2012. Harry Trotter misses her, but on those cloudy days, Bronson, Sophia and Katy-Rose are there for him. His lightning-bolt marking, a reminder that she loved him and protected him as best she could.

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