Linda May
Born: May 2, 2009
Linda May was the first foal ever born at our rescue centre, to an Arab mare named Ginger who was pregnant when rescued in November 2008.
It was so exciting to learn of the pregnancy, but at the same time we felt worried – this mare was severely malnourished and quite wild from lack of human contact. And what would we do if there was a problem with the newborn foal? We felt so glad we that we could call our equine vet Dorothea any time of the day or night if needed.
As the pregnancy came to full term and Ginger began showing signs that it was soon to happen, we found ourselves getting up all through the night for about two weeks to check on her.
Creeping down the yard in the dark so as not to disturb the other horses, we would anxiously peer in at Ginger to see if anything was happening. She would just calmly look at us as if to say: “What are you doing here?” And off we would go back to bed for another two hours.
Finally, on a Saturday morning, we went down to feed everyone at 6am. Still nothing. So we went back inside to have our breakfast and when we came back out, there she was.