Rescued: September 22, 2010
Two new horses arrived at the rescue centre – both had been abandoned.
The first was a tiny miniature, our smallest rescue horse so far. Abandoned in Callosa, found wandering the streets, he was taken to a local cat and dog rescue centre, APADAC, which called us for help.
It was immediately clear that this little horse, not much bigger than a German Shepherd, had huge problems. Deciding this meant he would need a big, strong name, Sue called him Samson. His mane of beautiful long, dark hair fitted the name well, too.
Samson has a genetic deformity, having been born with an extra bone and joint in his back legs. This has left his back end wasted and his back legs splayed out.
Although rare, such genetic deformities are known to occur in miniature horses. An operation should be performed in the first four months of life to correct it. Sadly, Samson, who is thought to be around one year old, has been left untreated.